Biomass Secure Power Inc is a publically traded company under the symbol BMSPF on the OTC Market.
Our Business Plan
Our business plan is to build plants that will process low quality logs and fibre typically left in the field, and turn them into EN & I grade wood pellets. Biomass Secure Power pellet plants are being designed with a modular engineering approach which will enable us to construct production capacity as a series of identical production modules. We have held discussions with power producers regarding the purchase of our torrefied wood pellets. So far we have not signed any definitive agreements with any power producers, and there are no assurances any definitive agreements will be signed.
We plan to produce one million tons of wood pellets per year from the Natchitoches facility phase 1. The Natchitoches site has been chosen because of its proximity to a sub-tropical forest and its international access. Available wood fiber in the area gives us the opportunity to construct a 1.6 million tonne plant which would be the largest in the world when complete. We have had discussions with potential purchasers to secure long term sales contracts but no definitive agreements have been signed and we cannot guarantee that such agreements will be signed. We do not anticipate beginning the construction of our plants until we have a definitive agreement in place to purchase our wood pellets.
Our Customers
We anticipate that we will sell our wood pellets to power producers in Europe and Asia. We have chosen this target market because we believe European coal power producers will eliminate coal from their existing power plants in favor of our wood pellets. We have held discussions with power producers in Europe regarding the purchase of our wood pellets. We have not signed any definitive agreements with any power producers and there are no assurances that any definitive agreements will be signed.
Our business plan is based on our management team's experience in the construction and implementation of medium sized industrial projects. In particular, our management team has implemented projects at a number of pellet plants, supplying burner and dryer equipment along with material handling systems. Our management team has constructed a multi-fuel burner system for a medium-density fiberboard plant that used dried and processed wood waste for fuel. In addition, the project management team will be drawn from people with many years of experience in the wood processing industry and energy industry. The project management team has not yet been hired
Authorized shares: Unlimited
Shares issued and outstanding: 600,000,000